Saturday, October 06, 2018

Been a hot minute

Dear friends: In recent months I've been largely providing my limited social media existence to Creepy Uncle Mark instead of Creepy Uncle Google.

So if you do that EffBee thing, and we know each other in real life, and you want Creepy Uncle Mark to be able to monetize our friendship, get in touch! Like here, you won't find me there unless you know what to look for, so it'll be easier if you tell me how to find you. And there you can see semi regular photos of food and bikes and an adorable little stuffed monkey. I'm fairly picky about accepting EffBee friend requests, so if I would accept it, you already have my email address.

I'm not planning to take this blog down, but it will continue to only be rarely updated.

In the interests of entertaining the perhaps four and a half of you who still occasionally check this blog, here is a photo I'll file under "Things the Director of Operations Does Because It's Far Easier Than Calling the Head of Maintenance":

Because, who knew, it's not a good idea to pour almost a gallon of soupy liquid with semi-finely chopped vegetable mush down the sink at once, disposal or no. Hint on who didn't know: it wasn't me. Thank god it was all vegan and fresh (no, I don't know why my apartment-mate was getting rid of it.)

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