big times in surf town. the rain is pounding down so hard the building might fall down, according to our very sociable downstairs neighbor.
here's what i just wrote to a friend regarding the death my my father:
thanks for the kind notes about my dad. it's tough, though sometimes not in the ways i'd expect it to be. most of the difficulty is in the middle of dealing with the small details (closing down his business) and then being randomly hit by a chunk of grief.
ran a 5k of fartleks tonight; felt good, and feel great, despite a nagging cold. started with a new pair of running shoes to alternate with, the better for avoiding injuries.
j and i just got back from presenting at a conference in DC: lots of big times, lots of big drinking, until, after three days in a row of brewpub hopping, i had to slow down. the cold initially manifested as just beign sick and hoarse as hell after a night in brewpubs (reviews possibly to come). the conference was fine: j's poster was unquestionably the most visually attractive, and one of the most substantively interesting, around. of course, it didn't win the judging contest, since it was way out of the realm of what the boring pencildicks wanted. ditto our joint presentation.
trying to catch up on some email now. "unread" emails (i.e., re-marked as unread by me so that i'll follow up on them): 90. too many.
next week, begin move to saccaminnow. and leave things in boxes and crates, to stay prepared for the june move to SLC. i just love to move.