Monday, February 28, 2011

Must be spring!

Yeah, it's Atlanta: less than a month after the gnashing of teeth and rending of winter garments when the temperatures dropped into the single digits and we got two inches of snow in one day (OH, THE HORROR!) we're starting thunderstorm season here in the A-T-L:



Sounds like a good day to blog, yeah?

(Oh, and BTW, the benevolent dictatorship here at DANGR World HQ has heard the cries of the people, and we will allow Free and Fair Elections(tm) in November. No, to hell with that, we'll fight to the death. But we'll throw a bone, since the cries of the assembled masses have been heard, even all the way up here in the corner office: triple sec!)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Food porn, SF style!

'Cause the peeps in the SF like their food porn!

pizza fixins

and more pizza fixins.

and, uhhhh, more pizza fixins.

I'm not honestly sure why our "make your own pizza" night fixins table took three photographs to capture. It absolutely may or may not have had something to do with the various bottles you see sneaking in there (that small clear one, by the way, is Egyptian auzo (more commonly spelled ouzo, but the transliteration from Arabic to English can be imprecise.) Regardless of how you spell it, it's delicious.


To round out today's posting binge, how about, uhhh, I dunno... some ONIONS!?!?

Onion ring prep -- DAMN, those ONIONS smell good!

Making the already delicious onions EVEN BETTER!

Much hot oil and many minor scalds later, we had a big pile of delicious ONION RINGS! (and since wo/man cannot live on onions alone, even though I'm willing to try, some tofu snuck its way in.)

(round out: Get it? Ha! Ha!)

Sangria porn?

A few of you know this, but for those who don't: I make a pretty mean sangria.

Raw materials = not cheap. The fruit alone cost around $20.

After much slicing and peeling.

And with the liquid love added.

The only thing you're not seeing is my super secret ninja ingredient. Whoever guesses it correctly gets me to make them a bigass pitcher of delicious sangria the next time I see you, so light that Comments section up, people!

File under: graffiti and bikes

Wait -- you don't have a file named "graffiti and bikes"? Well quit wasting time on this scintillating blog, and go create one!

BeltLine love

I do, indeed, LOVE the BeltLine. I've been on it at least five times in the last six days.

Here is what your socks sometimes look like when riding off-road on the BeltLine.

I'm not sure if this is part of a public education/cleanup project, or witty hipster snark. Probably a little of Column A, and a little of Column B.

food food food

A whole bunch of random food porn from the last week:

vegan risotto (including sun-dried tomatoes and spinach)

self-evident (right? no? okay, fried polenta cakes)

baked tofu = YUM.

prepping zucchini as pasta fixin', with a beer (Port Hop 15) close at hand

and here are the final fixins: clockwise from top right, that's fried tofu with red pepper flakes, fried zucchini (with random seasonings that I forget), fried ONIONS with dill, and fried asparagus with a whole pile of garlic.

More soon!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Yesterday's bicycle mileage, in order of which bike I rode throughout the day:

surly 13.1:

mountain 11.3:

singlespeed 15.2:

for the mathematically disinclined, that's 39.6 miles, total.

I ride all year around, but seems like spring, doesn't it?

Casulaties: one flat (pinch flat on the singlespeed from popping off a curb), one broken seat bag, and two sore butt bones ischial tuberosities.

Gonna go do bike hashing today.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Food porn! (and, uhhh, stuff.)

I've been ridiculously busy, but not too busy, dear readers, to throw a little food porn your way:

Damn, I love avocados.

Whistles wet? Okay, okay already! Here's some more food porn!

Here is the fixins plate for some vegan sushi we made the other day:

Clockwise from top, that's cucumber, baked tofu, flash fried asparagus with garlic puree, fresh ginger, and fried fresh jalapeƱos.

Here is a roll ready to, well, get rolled, with some avocado (did I mention how much I love avocado?) in there, as well as some carrot candy.

And here's the little camera that just won't die: it's been on nearly every trip and outdoor activity I have in the last five or so years, including many thousands of miles on my bike, usually just banging around in my pocket or bag. It recently was fully submerged in running water, several times, while I was out running in the woods in the dark and crossing through running streams (yes, on purpose.) A couple days to dry out, and bang: it's rockin' again! (And still taking better photos than my much newer, higher resolution phone.)

On another note, the ipod nano I bought in summer 2007 is showing signs of dying: the top panel (where the on/off/lock button is located) is bowing and about to pop off. For replacement, anyone got any non-proprietary (i.e., non-crApple) products to recommend?

Monday, February 07, 2011

Vegan brunch! UrbanPl8! Yum! Good!

On Saturday J and I had a nice ride and lovely brunch at UrbanPl8, which is horrifically located in a weirdass condo & retail development inconveniently located in so-called "West Midtown." They had two delicious vegan options:

(that's the vegan tofu scramble on the left, and vegan breakfast on the right, with a pinto bean cake, collard greens, and fried sweet potatoes on the right.)

The staff is ridiculously friendly, and the $10 bottomless mimosas were SLAMMIN: strong, constantly refilled, delicious. The 50% Scoutmob app coupon only saved us $7.75, as the bottomless mimosa (did I mention it's only $10?) wasn't discountable (fine, it's booze) and neither was the $2 coffee (what the hell is with that? At least the coffee was delicious.) Completely inexplicably, they don't have soy milk (?!?) but one of the ridiculously friendly servers pointed out they do keep coconut milk mixed in the bar, and he loves it as a vegan option.

We loved the food and the people, and will definitely go back: even without the Scoutmob coupon, our receipt included a $5 off coupon. So I'm really sad to have to link to the prediction in one of my favorite blogs, Tomorrow's News Today, where the (very well informed and very diligent) author put Urban Pl8 on his 2011 Q1 Deathwatch, and has had it on the Deathwatch since Q2 2010. Sure, it's still making a go of it, but the location just sucks, and even though they had every table occupied during brunch service on Saturday, I have to agree with Tomrrow's News Today that it's hard to see how this physical space, in this location, could possibly do enough business to make it work.

Thursday, February 03, 2011


What would any reasonable person do when they feel a vicious, violent sneezing, eye-tearing winter cold coming on full force? Ride their bike 20 miles roundtrip in 36 degree weather to Your Dekalb "Farmer's Market" hell, of course!

Hey, I didn't claim I was that reasonable person, did I? And I need some chili-garlic sauce, which YDFM is one of the only places in Intown ATL that sells it. I still detest the place. Blog bitching likely to follow.