Saturday, March 17, 2018

The pristine waters of Lake Tahoe

Since the statute of limitations for N.R.S. 444.630(2) has passed:

Yep, that's me dropping trow in Lake Tahoe, probably about ten years old, to take a shit. (Hey, loogit: I really, really had to go, and we were hiking in the woods around the lake.) Let the reader who has never urinated or defecated in public cast the first stone!

I'm not sure who took the photo; probably my dad. That's my mom in the upper right (inexplicably) encouraging me, and my sister with the blonde hair and white t-shirt, supervising.

I have no idea why they didn't have me crap in the woods. Maybe implementing the old saw from toxicology that "dilution is the solution"?

Thanks, mom, for making at least a half dozen copies of this gem, so that it has survived the ages!

Pro Tip to parents everywhere: make sure you have a few choice photos of your young kids for blackmail when they start mouthing off as teenagers, or for their partners and spouses to be. My mom was also a big fan of the "naked in the garage holding a broomstick" genre.

Just for W, my most loyal blog reader!

(Well, maybe tied with my mom.)

Potatoing along! 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


The. End.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Bartholomew goes hiking!

We went hiking in Greenbrier State Forest with dear friend K, and Rhodi, who tolerated a brief photo shoot.

Tuesday, March 06, 2018


This represents about a third of my day. It's less impressive of you don't know that it involves about 25 stairs each time I go south to north and back.

These dogs are barkin!

Monday, March 05, 2018

Avocado. Toast.

Because who can get enough? (As long as the avocados are $0.99 at the supermarket.)

Sunday, March 04, 2018

Avocado toast!

🥑 🥑

What's all this bother about $18 avocado toast? This cost about a grand total of $1.07

(Yes, okay, FINE: I mashed it up. I'm not an animal. And added salt and pepper and tomato. So maybe $1.15.)