Friday, May 19, 2006


I'm looking out my big front window, across the traffic driving too fast through one of the few north-south thoroughfares on the near west side of SLC, at the open green park across the way, which is punctuated by the harsh beige of the baseball diamond's infield.

The incident for my first posting in a long time was laughing out loud at a person in a bear suit riding a harley northbound up the street. Yes, a full-blown bear suit. Just as I was realizing that this was probably the Utah Jazz mascot, the Utah Jazz promotional van drove by behind the bear.

I spent the last few days working with the next door neighbor to transplant a chain link fence to fix the boundary between our houses. If I do say so myself, it looks pretty damn good for the work of a couple of amateurs with no specialized tools.

The skies are purple and grey and full of thunderstorm potential, it is 80 degrees, down from yesterday's low 90s.

Today I planted a strawberry plant, and I'm about to transplant a small shrub plant that a neighbor gave us.

Today I made hotel arrangements to go to Des Moines for a long time, good friend's wedding reception.

Today I changed out the tires on my bike, from 41/40 all purpose/all season to 26x1.25" touring slicks for low rolling resistance summer riding. I then cleaned and oiled the bike, which was desperately needed. I'm about to recalibrate my bike computer.

Today I sprinted to the post office to mail two packages, riding hard to get home before thunderstorms began.

Today I got an e-mail that an important friend's mother died after a long illness. It was gut wrenching.

Now the sun is coming out. Time to transplant plants.