Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Holy tap root, Batman!

That's a Cherokee Purple tomato plant that was grown from directly sown seed. The tap root alone is over four feet long!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Bowling alone

Watching the World Series alone, in the midst of a huge city, where I have many dear friends, and where I'm so ready to leave.

Spent about five hours today in my remote office (which moonlights as the main branch of the NY Public Library). Also alone. And thinking about some dear friends.

Next stop: Oh me oh my oh.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

How much I've walked

Faithful readers, you might have noticed it's been a while since I posted. To give you a rough sense, here is what my spacephone tells me I've walked in the last week (mostly in St. Louis, Ferguson, and environs)

Wednesday Oct 8: 12257 steps, ~6.6 miles
Thursday Oct 9: 11856 steps, ~6.2 miles
Friday Oct 10: 11592 steps, ~5.7 miles
Saturday Oct 11: 14205 steps, ~6.8 miles
Sunday Oct 12: 6682 steps, ~3.4 miles
Monday Oct 13: 18552 steps, ~9.0 miles
Tuesday Oct 14: 6738 steps, ~3.5 miles
Wednesday Oct 15: 11912 steps, ~6.3 miles.

No, I have no clue how my spacephone calculates the distance based on the steps.

Wednesday was largely a travel day, but included four hours at the incredibly awesome City Museum in St. Louis.

Sunday, October 05, 2014

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Confidential to E, K, and V:

Strong lines. Strong. Lines.

(Leftover vegan nachos.)

What I'm doing with my rainy Saturday morning

Seems like a great time to rehab a box fan that someone mistakenly thought should be landfilled, right?