Monday, April 25, 2011

File under: police beatdown

From what I could tell, the initial interaction involved an intoxicated homeless man declining to stop and talk to the popo.

Good job, Atlanta Police Department cop: you managed to throw a guy down to the sidewalk who could barely stand up in the first place. Good job, backup APD, you all definitely needed seven cops to stand around while one cop grabbed one guy, and threw him in the back of a patrol unit, and then open up the door to give him some shit. And a shout out to the astonishingly worthless rentacops from Central Atlanta Progress who crowded around as beatdown voyeurs: nice showing, but you still look silly in your pith helmets.

Perhaps the most troubling part of it was that the cop you see doing the beatdown was laughing and joking and smiling hugely with his cohort.

Confidential to APD: I don't feel safer knowing that you enjoy throwing people down on the sidewalk and smiling and laughing after you arrest them.

A little more food, a little more travel!

Longtime readers of this blog will know that I have a (not totally unsubstantiated) concern that J doesn't eat well when I'm out of town, so I'm in the habit of making sure we cook a lot right before I leave, and leave a shit-ton of leftovers for J to eat.

I'm in the airport about to fly out to WV for five days, and here is our fridge as of this morning:

This morning as I was getting ready to leave, J said something like, "Now, honey, I just want you to note what the fridge looks like. So when it's empty when you get back, it's because I've been eating well, okaaaaaay?"

I love her.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A little food, a little travel

was a fairly tasty, and fairly fun, and fairly expensive, "Steak and Cheese" vegan sub at Cafe Green in DC. The slaw was good, the pickle good, the sandwich... slightly underwhelming, especially for $9. But I couldn't resist trying a sandwich with a vegan meat substitute I'd never heard of before: “boolgogi”.

This is what happens when you are sitting in the airport lounge, and you need to simultaneously charge your laptop, i*od, and (semi-smart) phone with only one charger. Here's to standardized USB!

And since I'm throwing around random photos, here's a totally, completely gratuitous shot of onions.

Unbelievably busy lately, with half a dozen different major projects on the burners. So I should really quit blogging, shouldn't I? Yeah.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

ONIONS! and a busted car

Just for you, A: I couldn't resist some delicious images of ONIONS! (I know, some of you don't know A, and can't understand why the hell I blather about onions so much in this blog. Just, uhhhhh: trust me. Okay?)

Frying onions in a pan.

Making a quesadilla with daiya, onions, and sauteed cremini mushrooms on a chipotle-lime tortilla.

Two quesadillas, about to be wolfed down. Delicious, they were, yes!

Okay, and to balance out the onions, here is why you don't want to take shelter in your car in a windstorm:

Walking out of airports, food porn, bicycles

Seriously: after a long draught in blogging, what more do you want than these three things? Tell me, dammit, and I'll probably make it happen, despite being ridiculously busy and juggling about ten pots on the burner.

Back in March, I once again enjoyed walking out of the Eugene airport, and back in at the end of my trip.

Here's a view looking north, as you're about to actually get into the airport proper. As you can see, there is plenty of shoulder to walk on. (Go back to that linked post for explicit instructions on walking out of Eugene, and for more discussion of walking out of airports generally.)

And a little food porn: I've gotten really in to sandwiches lately. This is tofurky, fresh tomatoes, dijon, and ONIONS!

And here's the obligatory bike porn:
This is my mountain bike after 28 miles of some of the most challenging cycling I've ever done, up in the wilds of Chamblee and Dunwoody, GA (ugly big box suburbs northeast of Atlanta that have some incredible off-road riding in the woods.) At various points my front wheel was over halfway submerged in muddy water (and remember that this bike is a 29er.) I got some moderately bad poison ivy:

Doesn't look that bad, I know: but this is almost two weeks old.


Here's the thing: I think I look dorky with facial hair, but J likes it. My facial hair doesn't grow in uniformly, and the beard is now a mixture of brown, red, and silver. (Don't ask me why: my regular hair is all brown, all the time, with individual gray hairs just coming in.)

No, unlike A, who can go from clean-shaven to backwoods lumberjack complete with Elvis muttonchops in about three days, it takes me about three weeks of not shaving to get to this scraggly-ass goatee:

This is odd since all of my brothers are hairy beasts. Hmmmm. Mom, anything you want to tell me confidential-like? If so, please post in the comments section.

Enough family secrets, and back to the topic at hand: I did a series of shots while shaving the other day, and I want YOU, Dear Reader, to chime in on which you think looks best.

This is just shaving off the mustache which, while it might work when I'm rocking my singlespeed through local hipster strongholds L5P or EAV, is also the part that, as you can see above, looks the most 9th-graderish.

This is sort of a half-assed combination of chin puff plus soul patch.

Just soul patch (which I actually once wore back when I used to appear in court several times a week. But I also had hair down to my shoulder blades then, so it was, ahem, a different time.)

And what is probably my favorite, but also the most work: clean shaven.

Okay, readers: lemme know what you think! If there is a clear consensus, I'll even grow it out that way. Maybe.

What I Learned from this experiment: when you are taking flash pictures of yourself in the mirror, you have to squeeze your eyes VERY tightly closed. Shaving with little blinkie white spots floating in your vision ain't much fun.

UPDATE! A sent in this contribution to this post:
it's true... as an a bona fide, backwoods born Alaskan I can channel the spirit of the Devil's Club and mythic powers of the elusive Nagoonberry to produce this any time I take a particularly gruntworthy shit in the forest!
and attached this image of, ohhh, overnight growth:

Hey, is that a chipmunk I see hiding in there? ALVIN, ARE YOU OKAY?!?