Sunday, September 23, 2007

Settling in

I've had a break from EMT training for most of the last week due to scheduling and logistical issues of the instructor. It's been nice, and has allowed me to get more done around the house. I've worked through most of the list that filled amost an entire side of an envelope, and am now on to mostly puttering-level tasks.

Today's to-do list includes dragging our asses all over robin hood's barn, from the commissary for onions and bananas and tofu, to the BX for bookshelves, to the hardware store for a showerhead, and bed bath and beyond for non-slip strips (or a mat) to put down in the main floor tub. I also need to track down 3-way CF and dimmable bulbs, which are looking both not too common, and very expensive.

Here are a few (bad) pictures of the three moose that were wandering around at the edge of our driveway last week. A couple of days after watching these three, I saw the largest moose I've ever seen, walk through the other part of our driveway and then wander into our back yard. Unfortunately, it was dark and I didn't get any photos.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Thoughts on media, and what we've unfortunately been watching lately

1) 24 is comically stupid: it's preposterous idiocy for the post 9/11 right-wing conspiracy-theory wingnut moron crowd. It's astonishing that people think this show is good, or interesting.

2) 300 is far beyond comically stupid: it's nonsensical high-sugar junk food for the pitifully limited brains of the xbox generation.

3) 300 is stupid, 24 is stupid. Therefore, all shows and movies with numbers as the sole title are stupid.

4) Disturbia is very, very stupid. It's Scream meets American Beauty for the moron crowd, and yet another installment in the 'how difficult it is to be rich' genre.

5) Fracture is appallingly bad and unrealistic. All of the characters are embarrassing parodies.