My 200th post! Eventful likely only for its number, if not its content.
The rumbling is that it's supposed to hit record high temperatures today in Seattle, at least the high 90s, possibly even 100. Naturally, I did what any reasonable person would do: I went outside, to do outdoor sports, in the sun, a little before noon.
I rented a kayak from the
Moss Bay Rowing, Kayaking, and Sailing Center which is a ridiculously convenient 1.5 block walk from the hotel. I re-discovered, for the dozenth or twentieth time, that waves are a deceptive thing: you paddle as hard as you damn can against the waves, confident that on the return route, they'll be in your favor. Predictably, they were far more challenging on the way back. I paddled from the the south end of Lake Union to Gas Works Park, and back.
While hovering near the park and taking a drink and some pictures, I was able to rescue a child's plastic frisbee/hover/disc thingie (S would know what I'm talking about, since I'm pretty sure his son D has these) from the water. The child and mother were immensely grateful, though after I'd rescued it and was nearing the non-shore of Gas Works Park, the kid wanted to know "WHERE IS IT?!?" and I said "I've got it right here!" which relived him immensely. I don't know if he thought I was just toying with him, or what.
I then hustled to make it back within my rental period, to avoid paying for an extra hour, which would have been largely sitting around and drinking beer and eating snacks, since my shoulders are very much not in shape for kayaking. Of course, COnfidential to TGS, who doesn't love a little BAHHHH-LEEEE-WHIIIINE?!?
It was a fine time, overall. Tonight I head to West Seattle to see an Irish singersongwriter at B's neighborhood bar that he's really fond of. B and A came over last night for drinks, which was fun, and nice that it saved me the drive or bike ride to and fro West Seattle.
A few pictures of Lake Union on a hot, clear, beautiful day, in the next post.