With onions, zucchini, a fresh jalapeno, ginger, and basil from the garden.
Hurry: it won't be hot for long!
bicycling, gardening, homebrewing, vegan cooking, home renovation, baseball, travel, and other fun activities in california. uhhh... utah. australia. alaska. atlanta. california. nyc. ohio. nyc. ohio. massachusetts. new jersey. west virginia. califfornia. hell, I don't know.
With onions, zucchini, a fresh jalapeno, ginger, and basil from the garden.
Hurry: it won't be hot for long!
Replacing this busted receptacle is actually quite trivial as electrical jobs go.
It just gets a little tiring if it's on the third floor/attic, and the circuit breaker / electrical panel is in the basement. And you're home alone. And the last breaker you try is the correct one.
Ah, well: it's done now. And nice to have a electrical receptacle that is not half open.
Simple but delicious: pasta, sauce, and TVP made to be kinda sorta like vegan ground beef.
All duly assembled agreed: it was tasty.
Angels Stadium is perhaps the third worst ballpark in the MLB. All of the shitty, charmless concrete prison features of the Chicago White Sox field, and Kansas City's Kaufman Field, and Toronto's Rogers. At least the latter two have nice people.
I've just completed one of the longer bucket list items. I'm seeing a game at Angels Stadium: the 30th MLB stadium I've seen a game at.
Go As! Um, I mean, go Angels. Oh, who really cares.