Tuesday, January 17, 2017

One more

Since you've missed the food porn. Here is garlic bread I made for a family dinner:


While not necessarily the prettiest photo of this food porn blogging binge,

the sauerkraut prep is definitely my favorite. Two big heads of cabbage that lead to one decent sized crock of sauerkraut. It's been a while since I made sauerkraut, and needless to say, I'm excited!


We had a whole bunch of extra bananas:

So I made five loaves of banana bread:

Received many nice compliments. A couple folks were baffled that it was vegan.



Kinda of amazing how this many ONIONS:

results in only this much (delicious) caramelized onion:

Catching up now on West Virginia food porn blogging. More to come!

Monday, January 09, 2017

Veggie broth!

Thank goooodness, some more West Virginia food porn! This is what one small part of my afternoon looked like:

This is making veggie broth from scraps, my second batch of the week. They'll turn in to a big soup on Friday when we're hosting several dozen people. We cook big enough meals here that one or two generates enough vegetable scraps to make six to eight quarts of stock.

I might post the soup or stew that comes from this. Woulda been nice this morning when it was 2 degrees above zero. (I'm still working on the frozen pipe problem.) 

Tedious projects

I actually volunteered for this project:

And thoroughly enjoyed it. I got to do it while also maintaining breakfast for a couple dozen people, and enlisted the help of half a dozen curious people.

I didn't actually count, but roughly half of the pens didn't work. And while I really dislike waste, I confess that I derive immense satisfaction out of throwing away pens that don't work. 

WV food porn!

This is the beginning of the prep for two big lasagnas I made last night.

Anaheim peppers, yellow squash, cauliflower, mushrooms, and lots and lots of stuff off screen. 


This is just outside the toilet at the Food Lion in Blacksburg, Virginia.

I guess it can speak for itself.

But... doesn't it just kinda, sorta, make you want to push the red button?

Just a little?

Just to see what happens?

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Wild and Wonderful Recycling.

On my first full day back in West Virginia, this is by far the cleanest and tidiest pile I dealt with.

We spent a couple hours sorting recyclingpocalypse in a small town. These bags were only the properly pre-bagged #2 plastic (think milk and laundry detergent containers.)

And in case you're wondering, that's the old police station we're in front of. It's now mostly storage for lawnmowers and other landscaping equipment.