Monday, July 31, 2017


Okay, maybe not the prettiest plating, but it has ONIONS, so whaddya want?

At that, fresh spring onions that I know the person who grew and harvested then yesterday, and brought them to the farmers market.

Nom nom nom.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Make Your Own Pizza Night!

At the "Little House". After a full day of work, and then a community meeting about riverfront improvements.

Onion, vegan sausage, daiya, and avocado (not pictured). On K's homemade pizza dough.


Monday, July 03, 2017

Fancy sammich!

Today's fancypants sandwich (before it got sandwiched to take to work): 

vegan turky slices, just mayo and Dijon mustard on sourdough, ONIONS, kale, tomatoes, and kosher dill pickles. 

I just ate breakfast, and blogging this makes me hungry for lunch.