Sunday, December 31, 2017

Toot Toot! All Aboard the Tofu Express!

Making hippie slop for wraps for tomorrow (and potentially the next day).

Nom nom nom!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Sittin' On Darwin's Theory

With a tip of the hat to the Indigo Girls...

(Bartholomew is all, "Seriously?!? I got that all figured out in undergrad.")

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Banana banana banana!

Bartholomew is King of the Bananas.


Having a little open faced sandwich for lunch. Tofu, zucchini, spinach, hummus, sourdough, a pickle, and ONIONS!

Avocado Toast

Confidential to W: I think your overall assessment is jaded, BUT: there IS avocado toast in Anchoragua!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Finished product

Reasonably strong lines, right?

Part II

The collards (with garlic and soy sauce) and avocado. Yum!

Cooking up a storm

In anticipation of a dear friend's visit. Onions, sauteed collards with garlic, and do on.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Goodbye to another old thing

Well, buddy, this is farewell. You've been reasonably faithful over the years, and I kept you around long after one of your front wheels broke off.

Perhaps your finest moment was carrying a laser printer (and a whole pile of other heavy crap) to and from Puerto Rico.

You flew to and from at least a dozen states, and drove through at least a dozen more. You got to live in four different time zones!

But when your side handle broke off, you got really hard to manage, and I always had to find a wall or pole to lean you up against due to your missing wheel, and one of your best features, spinning, wasn't there anymore.

I know that (literally) curbing you isn't the most dignified exit, but I just can't see the thrift store accepting you in your current condition, and don't want for that kind of sadness to be your end.

You lasted much longer than your 22" sibling, whose telescoping handle got unfixably stuck halfway up, and also got bashed to hell and had to be repeatedly repaired by duct tape.

(Anyone remember when Samsonite used to be really fancy luggage?)

Travel well to that great baggage claim in the sky!

UPDATE: As I tried to pull your telescoping handle up to move you out of my very cramped room, it's also not working. Is this in solidarity with 22", or are you just sad? 

Thursday, December 14, 2017

My tum tum, and hallucinations

I'm not normally one to blog with status updates, but this one has a couple interesting twists.

I have a moderately bad stomach bug of some kind. Not too hard to believe, since I spent three days in court with all sorts of people, visited a museum, saw a movie, and the lovely household that was hosting me included someone who had just gotten over a bad stomach bug. I projectile vomited yesterday evening, and have had diarrhea x36 hours. Cold sweats all night, aches, low grade fever, the usual.

So I'm hydrating, only consuming water, tea, broth, and electrolytes; might introduce bananas or applesauce tonight or tomorrow, depending on how I'm feeling (right now that sounds unpleasant.) I'm also tracking all of my input and output (which might make for a really disgusting blog post soon. We'll see.)

That's the boring stuff.

The much more interesting stuff to me:

1) the human body is a pretty amazing thing. I had a seven hour Amtrak trip home yesterday. While I didn't feel great, it wasn't horrible. But then within about two minutes of being home, as I was beginning to unpack, my body immediately told me it was time to vomit. I literally ran to the bathroom, and did so rather explosively. It pretty amazing that the body and brain can communicate in this way.

Confidential to my body: THX THX THX for not making me worship the porcelain steel god on a long distance Amtrak train! 

2) even more interesting, both last night, and this morning, my sense of hearing, and sight, are both significantly more intense than usual. I mean, I live in a big old 120 year old house, so there are always house sounds. But I mostly tune them out. I heard creaks and stuff so much more last night, to the point it was a little scary. Saw stuff that is always there, but it was so much more vivid. Last night it was to the point where I was beginning to wonder if I was having auditory and visual hallucinations. I thought I heard music playing, though the only other person in the house who could have been playing it, I've never once heard music from that room (it's down the stairs and behind two doors.)

There is one shower that I use almost daily, and there is a particular shampoo bottle in it that makes a single, slight popping noise every morning when it warms up from the warm water. This morning it was a sharp crack, to the point where it actually startled me a little bit.

Folding my laundry last night actually winded me a little bit. So I'm taking today very easy, which is a good excuse to listen to podcasts and catch up on sewing projects and the like.

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Needed apps

I want an app that warns me against parking next to Pokemon Go spots when I want to sit in the car in the dark and listen to podcasts.

Friday, December 08, 2017


Okay, so I have officially drank the Movie Pass Flavor Aid. At $10 per month, for as many as a movie per day, it's a screaming deal. Their revenue model is highly doubtful, but whatever: not my circus, not my monkeys.

It came yesterday, and I immediately went to see a movie with it. Justice League. Then today I went to see Wonder.

Justice League: I was (literally) the only person in the theater. It was atrocious. Loud, stupid, badly done, silly, and minimally entertaining. So fucking loud at so many points that I literally had to stuff my fingers in my ears. I kept looking at my watch to see how much longer I had to endure.

Wonder: I was, again, (literally) the only person in the theater. It was: pretty kinda okay. Overwrought and overdone, often trite and predictable, but cute in places, and definitely a tear jerker.

Sunday, December 03, 2017


Bartholomew receiving light therapy at the Smithsonian Renwick Gallery.