Since the inception of this blog, it has contained a fair bit of consumer protection nastygrams.
This wasn't really suitable for Creepy Uncle Mark, so here is my (physical) letter today to California DMV:
This wasn't really suitable for Creepy Uncle Mark, so here is my (physical) letter today to California DMV:
Re: License plate #
20** Subaru *******
To whom it may
VEHICLE ANY MORE. I do not possess it, I do not drive it, I do
not know or care if it is physically present in the State of
California. It could be crushed in an auto yard, or it could be in
Antarctica, for all I know. The people who purchased it,,
should have already registered it. I have asked them to do so.
I will not send
evidence of liability insurance for this vehicle pursuant to
California Vehicle Code Section 4000.38, because I do not have such
proof: I do not insure this vehicle any more, and I never, ever, will
again. Please, pretty please, sugar on top, stop asking.
As far as I care,
you can keep this vehicle registration suspended forever, and ever,
and ever, and ever. Send the registration suspension notices to the
moon. Shred them. Put them in a box under your desk. Make paper
airplanes, or origami cranes from them. Please just stop sending them
to me. I don't need or want to see them.
I personally
apologize to whatever human being has to read this extremely
frustrated letter, and I'm sorry that the last one was ignored,
unless it was you that ignored it. I'm sorry that you work for a
governmental agency that sucks and ignores prior contacts and has
ridiculous websites that aren't useful. But please, for reals: can
you make your system stop sending obnoxious threatening letters about
a vehicle I no longer own? Please?