Monday, August 30, 2004

Listening to NPR, who are having a blast interviewing conservatives (who, after all, spend an enormous amount of money "underwriting", read, advertising, on their affiliates.) Among the usual prattle from BigotFest 2004, they interviewed a "conservative comic" (which seems redundant to me):

Brad Stine is a conservative Christian comedian, who performed last night at a party hosted by Jenna and Barbara Bush.

To follow the Queen's lead in Wonderland, which any political convention can resemble, let's begin at the beginning, so that we can end at the end:
1. "conservative Christian comedian": what a stupid, stupid, stupid description. I mean, does it imply that comics as a whole are non-religious? By way of comparison, I guess I'm a "leftist atheist blogger."
2. "conservative Christian comedian... performed": again, a redundancy?
3. The party was hosted by the Cokehead In Chief's daughters -- should this be a surprise?

But I'm not entirely cynical: the real reason I decided to blog about this was something said by the stupid comedian (who, no, is not really very funny at all, objectively or subjectively: it was pretty painful to listen to him talk, actually.) He mentioned that he went to NYC planning to be angry with the protestors. He then said (paraphrased) that he was surprised to instead feel like he was watching democracy in action, and in fact, he sort of paraphrased a chant popular in the anti-imperialist movement: "this is what democracy looks like!"


p.s. the People have been heard: more nastygrams will follow!

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