Saturday, June 11, 2005

Confidential to TGS :

> 1) Did too, between refills at the airport. It's not my fault you were too
> drunk off your ass to care.

Alright, wiseass, first off, there is a not insignificant difference between "to care" and "to comprehend".

> I was a little surprised you didn't make a bigger deal of it, though.

Well, next time, don't sneak it in around snipey comments about the crazy woman sitting next to me.

> Your response was, if I recall correctly, "WHAAAT?????!!! JEEEEEZUS
> CHRIST, give me that!"

No comment.

> (insert lunge for beer here.)

Talk to my lawyer. And get your own.

> 2. I did go to CVS yesterday and purchased a bright yellow, perfect
> storm-esque poncho for my backpack. You thought the plastic socks looked lame.

HA! HA! HA! What is the hip internet abbreviation for this? Oh, I know: LOFL!!!

> p.p.s. Are ya gonna let me know what it is first?

Hmmmmmmmmm... NO!

See, buddy, it's like this: you disappointed me while in search of (ahem), and so, unless and until I get a detailed report of (ahem), you don't get to know SHIT. ¿claro?

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