Tuesday, August 22, 2006

162 posts

Glad that blogger counts my total posts to this blog: makes me feel a little less like a complete slacker. Here is # 163:

I'm sitting here going through a plastic crate of old crap from my mom's garage, mostly from high school. It's oneof those half entertaining, half who-the-hell-was-I-then kind of things. Highlights so far include a Pizza Hut Employee of the Month nametag, circa April 1992 or so, a bunch of old swim team ribbons from age groups 9-10 and 11-12 (I actually won a first in breaststroke once!) and some high school report cards.

I'm doing all this while watching Apocalypse Now Redux (cherry stuff!) and drinking decaf with orange liquer (generic Grand Marnier, since it's $20 at the state store compared to $40 for a fifth of the real Grand Marnier.)

Back to the mill now!

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