Saturday, April 05, 2008


I'm in Kodiak. Since I'm actually here for work, and Kodiak isn't that big of a place, I'm not going to say what kind of work. However, massive super duper bonus points (and a prize of an unspecified but undoubtedly beer flavored nature) to anyone who guesses what (specific) kind of work it is from this clue: the last time I was in Kodiak, I was doing the same type of work, for the same (ultimate) supervising attorney.

After a pleasant if bumpy at the end flight from ANC this morning really early, I had a decent breakfast and got some good work done. I then went back to my hotel, the Best Western, which is billed by Moon, Lonely Planet, and I think Frommer's as the nicest hotel in town. If so, well, hmmm. It's perfectly nice, but about the quality of a standard 2.5 star or low 3 star in any other (city.)

Great meeting for the work. Enough said.

Then I headed over to Kodiak Island Brewing Company, and had a nice chat with the super friendly brewer, Ben, who was kind enough to throw a couple tastes and a pint my way despite the fact that he was hoping to be closing soon. It was damn delicious: his Tripel IPA, run through a Randall. He seemed impressed that I know what Randall is, and I mentioned having had something from a Randall at, I *think* it was, GABF.

Okay -- I need to choose from a virtual non-plethora of options for dinner before everything closes on a Saturday night in the off-season. Maybe more later.

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