BREWING BOOT CAMP!3B: Beyond Boston Barleywine
OG 1.103, FG 1.020, ABV 10.9% (a balance between american and english barleywine styles, like Rogue Old Crustacean: hoppy but also malty sweet)
Middle Child
projected OG 1.045, FG 1.004, ABV 5.4%
(the second and third runnings of 3B, the boil included a pint of my sister in law's habanero jelly. the resulting beer is actually quite tasty: think Wynkoop's Patty's Chile Beer, but not as spicy)
SDS: Schizo Disordered Stout
OG 1.076, FG 1.019, ABV 7.5%
(secondary was on four ounces of French oak chips soaked for nine days in Jim Beam)
Drop the Ball DIPA
OG 1.084, FG 1.009, ABV 9.8%
(let's just say the process was a little less than smooth. okay, we were drunk. a total of about 5.8 ounces of hops in the boil, and dry hopped with another ounce of Columbus)
AB: Alaskan Bastard
OG 1.080, FG 1.015, ABV 8.5%
(another installment in the bastard series, and the first one made in Alaska)
Go to the Dentist! Amber Ale
OG 1.060, SG 1.015, ABV 5.9%
(still in primary, as I want to pitch onto the yeast cake)
and about ten days after brewing boot camp:
May Day Proletariat Porter
OG 1.088, SG at secondary 1.017 (current ABV 9.2%)
pitched onto the SDS yeast cake
some documentary evidence that this madness actually occurred:
fortifications... Rule #1 is no joke!
getting ready to dough-in Go to the Dentist! Amber Ale

the end of a vigorous boil, with wort chiller

four days, six batches... and we even avoided acute alcohol poisoning!

the second chief deputy assistant brewer steps up to the plate for a little brewing baseball... diligent application of Rule #1 will do that to you.
cleaning salvaged bottles from the NW regional judging of the NHC

kegerator, with three of the batches force carbonating