Monday, May 19, 2008

Another month, another post

Busy busy busy! Sacramento was good, got a lot of work and drinking done, but came down with a cold that was a bit of a damper. Looking forward to Hawaii: we fly out Saturday for a week.

We finally got the raised bed gardens planted: three with vegetables, one with mostly herbs. Picking up the topsoil in bulk was a little sketchy: a front loader dropped a little over a cubic yard into our trailer, which is rated for something like 1250 pounds. Thing is, a cubic yard of topsoil weighs about a ton, give or take for moisture content. Fortunately, it was a relatively short drive.

We shoveled all that topsoil in, then added about another 1.2 cubic yards of Organic 5: basically compost.

Here are some images post-planting:

broccoli, red cabbage, and green peppers

herb bed

tomatoes and basil

direct sown seeds: onions, red peppers, basil, spinach, and salad mix

some lemon balm, marigolds, and willamette hops in the background

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