I'm a big fan of thrift stores. Atlanta has been a pretty big disappointment in this category, at least intown. Fortunately, I used to regularly peruse the thrift stores in Anchorage, and pretty much couldn't pass up a pair of cargo shorts that fit, which is good, since it's definitely shorts weather in Atlanta.
I broke out my cargo shorts collection from the closet this morning:

It's a little difficult to see, but I treat my clothing pretty hard. Bicycling is particularly hard on shorts and pants, especially in the crotch. Here's a visual aid:

Conveniently color coded, the yellow circles are tears and holes. You'll note a particular prevalence in the area where, well, contact with a bike seat is made.
The red circles are what results when you're replacing your food waste disposal,

and realize when you're halfway through that the pipe leading from the disposal (visible righthand side, ~1/3 from top) is kinda gross, so you decide to spray bleach water into it.
Hot tip: this isn't blood stains on a carpet resulting from removing bike pedals (shout out to J2!), and

quick treatment with hot water or other cleaner doesn't actually make a bit of difference.

One more hot tip while we're at it: turns out that cheap screwdrivers aren't designed to be used as prybars when replacing food waste disposals.
READERSHIP POLL: Which, if any, of the above shorts should be (A) turned into rags, or (B) replace the even more ragged cargo shorts in the painting clothing collection?
Time to go for a bike ride in the one pair in the photo without obvious damage.
C) Pee-pee shorts
@A: how much have you had to drink?
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