Cop at vehicle checkpoint on freeway-like road: "HEY! Get OVER here!"
Me: [gesturing with a big 'Gosh! I have no idea how I possibly got here!' sort of dumb tourist shrug and smile, modeled on my 'big shit-eating grin, doing my best I'm-A-Stupid-Bike-Tourist routine']
Cop: "WHERE are you FROM?!?"
Me: "Uhhh, Atlanta?" [Flashing through my mind: oh, shit: I hope he doesn't ask to see my [Alaska] driver license...]
Cop: "You can't walk here! Can't you see this is practically a freeway?!?"
Me: "Yeah, I see that. Can you tell me how to get out of here?"
Cop: [Now apparently thinking I'm just plain dumb.] Where are you going?
Me: "Terminal 5."
Cop: "Are you flying today?"
Me: "Yep!"
Cop then tells me to cross carefully over the freeway-like road, go down a hill, and get on the sidewalk. At that point, his only other option would have been to drive me out [whether in custody or not] so I actually got to do precisely what I wanted to do.
Anyway, the conclusion from my one attempt to walk in to LAX is like this: it's not a particularly safe idea to walk in to LAX using Sepulveda. I'll have to try something else next time. There is a free shuttle that takes you to and from the subway station, but it's so much more fun to walk in and out!
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