Sunday, May 12, 2013

Today's study in contrasts is inspired by the fact that they are both roughly circular when you're only looking at thumbnail sizes in your photos folder.

First, some delicious FOOD PORN! (Oh, and to hell with those who say looking at food porn makes you fat: you're just not looking at the right stuff )

Anyway, above are vegan hot dogs from a couple nights ago. J's version on the left has (bottom) homemade sauerkraut, grilled poblanos, and dijon mustard; and (top) homegrown pineapple sage (about the most vigorous plant in our kitchen garden raised bed on the front porch), sweet (YUCK) relish, and dijon mustard. Mine on the right has pineapple sage, homemade sauerkraut, grilled poblanos, dill (YUM) relish, dijon mustard, and veganaise, with a side of grilled ONIONS!

And now to remind you of a previous fun topic, namely of the perils of not cleaning out your drains on a semi-regular basis (or at least the perils of you both growing your hair out.) The bathtub has been starting to not drain as quickly in the last few days, so this morning I cleaned out the drain. Big times here at Dangr-us Thoughts World H, lemme tell ya'.

Riding out now to bike bicycle tubes!

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