Thursday, May 22, 2014

Seats you buy just for admission

Citi Field is huge and steep. I can more or less follow the game play from my cheap seat, and I like the mostly open main concourse. The condiments are decent but not amazing; I enjoyed a ton of sauerkraut on my vegan slice of pizza.

But it's not a park I'll go out of my way to return to.

Mixed message

Bad news? The flight is still delayed.
Good news? I'm still a star.

Sometimes, I love Google Voice

This is a partial transcript. I'm a star.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fucking baseball prison

Jesus, no wonder the Rays attendance is dismal, despite their awesome performance. What a shithole.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ballpark notes: Houston and St. Louis

Unfortunately I lost a bunch of draft text for Minute Maid Park in Houston. So some quick notes:

From the outside, it's without a doubt the ugliest stadium in major league baseball. It looks like a tornado ripped 2/3 of the roof off. Who knows what it looks like when the roof closed. I've seen better looking Little League fields.

Inside, the fan experience is one of the best in baseball. A wide open concourse with great field views all over the place. Nice people, good food, and positively the best condiment stations I've seen: pickle spears, pickle slices, onions, jalapenos, and the usual stuff.

The airport "express" bus, #102, between downtown Houston and IAH, is a miserable hour and a half long milk run, but only $1.25.

Compare Busch Stadium, which has dismal offerings: just Heinz brand pumps of ketchup, mustard, relish, ranch, honey mustard, and bbq sauce. Busch also has basically zero views from the main concourse, is huge, and features Mike's of walking to get to the upper levels. It is very well served by the Metrolink light rail, right across the street.

Tomorrow to Kansas City!

Can you guess where today's game is?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Bathroom graffiti: Minute Maid Park edition

I think the ignorant moralistic asshat means syphilis. And lifetime (which, no, it doesn't last. Either.)

It's Saturday, must be Dallas

Day two of Stadiumpalooza!

The Rangers game last night was fine, if a bit slow.

Globe Life Park is horrible: probably the second or third worst fan experience park I've been to, after US Cellular Field, home of the Chicago White Sox. Both are concrete monoliths, though at least Globe Life Park is (deceptively) attractive from the outside. Both are steep and huge - even with a front row seat in the cheap seats, I literally couldn't follow the action - I had to watch the fielders move to figure out where the ball had been hit. The railing and cables obstructed the view, the seats were small and uncomfortable, the concessions suck, and it's in Arlington, a soulless, charmless suburb convenient to nothing.

Since I could barely see the game, I walked the entire stadium, including the long, hard, tall, cold concrete ramps that are angled rather than circular, but otherwise very reminiscent of US Cellular Field. According to Wikipedia, the upper deck is one of the highest in baseball. They also note that it's one of the so-called "retro" parks; if so, it's the worst example of one I've been in.

With the good retro parks, and even some old-school parks, the main level concourse has great, close views to the field. Not so in Arlington: only the outfield concourse, conveniently located in the next zip code, looks onto the field. And they allow smoking throughout the outer edges of the concourse, so it smells like a nasty bar, even outside.

Oh, and, I'm sitting at DFW, one of my least favorite airports on the planet. Getting through the security checkpoint, with exactly four people in front of me, took a full ten minutes. Sure, not that long on balance, but c'mon: there were only four people in front of me. (And the slowness was all TSA, not the passengers.) At least the people are pleasant.

But enough complaining: I'm on an eleven day tour of ballparks in nine different cities: life is GREAT!

Friday, May 16, 2014

It's not quite like being in a prison

But a Globe Life Park, home of the Texas Rangers, is... underwhelming. Still, it's a gorgeous night to see a ballgame!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Perhaps my final food porn from Tahoe:

Nachos: Daiya pepper jack, tomatoes, kalamata olives, green onions, pan fried onions and fresh jalapeños, tomatoes.

Two words: Strong lines.

Strong. Lines.

I made nachos the night my friend S was taken off of life support, a week and a half ago.

I couldn't say much about it then. I still have a hard time talking about it now.

We mostly new one another through cooking. Specifically, for me, cutting shittons upon shittons of vegetables, while chatting in the kitchen (or tent, shack, outdoor tables, or whatever.)

So it seems appropriate that my final food porn of Tahoe is very similar to what I made while thinking about S.

I don't use people's real names on this blog, but:

S: ¡Presente!

One last visit to the lake

This season, that is. I'll be back sometime.

I'll drive by the lake tomorrow on my way too drop off keys with the property management company, which will keep my streak intact.

Bye, Tahoe. It's been a good season.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

May in South Lake Tahoe

Great weather for a walk down to the lake!

Good lines from terrible movies

I was struck by this fairly hilarious quote from a fairly horrendous movie, Baseketball.
Narrator: Soon it was commonplace for entire teams to change cities in search of greater profits. The Minneapolis Lakers moved to Los Angeles where there are no lakes. The Oilers moved to Tennessee where there is no oil. The Jazz moved to Salt Lake City where they don't allow music. The Raiders moved from Oakland to LA back to Oakland... no one seemed to notice. 

Especially since the last line playes well with my geography of despair theory of sport fan fanaticism.

Some good ol' fashioned FOOD PORN!

A bunch of traveling done, and a bunch yet to come.

A1 and I made a rather extravagant breakfast in Berkeley the other day, with a bunch of delicious ingredients from the new Republic of V, a new-ish vegan specialty shop.

This is a delicious vegan breakfast sandwich, with cashew cream cheese, breakfast sausage, and hot sauce on a salt bagel (yum) pick up around the corner at Local 123.

Today's lunch started as toast and leftovers, and then I decided that it was a great day for a fancypants grilled cheese. This is caramelized onions, jalapenos, and Daiya mozzarella, and slow pan fried in Earth Balance. It was delicious.

I posted this Mediterranean style quesadilla the other day from my phone, but the image got cut off. It's dry cured black olives, and preserved Meyer lemons.

Gotta finish up packing up the Tahoe apartment to move out on Monday, and I'm reading several great ebooks from the library, a couple of which have expired (so I just haven't turned on wifi on my tablet to allow it to sync.) And I need to keep up my perfect streak of seeing the lake every day that I'm physically present in South Lake Tahoe, so I'll probably go do some reading at the public library.

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Western Burger

At Flaming Icecube,  Boardman, OH. YUM.

Monday, May 05, 2014

Pittsburgh: PNC Park

Really pleasant stadium: feels cozy, and empty.

Giants already up 2-0 after one half inning.

Overheard in restaurants

I'm in Pittsburgh. I just heard some brodude scumbag explaining to his British colleague that where it all went wrong in the United States was that originally only landowners could vote, but then we changed that.


What's more,  from their conversation, I think they work in fracking.

Pirates game tonight!

As my brother said, why the hell did I come all the way to Pittsburgh to see a Giants game?