Tuesday, January 26, 2016

super deluxe vegan taco bar!

Okay, dear readers: enough of that political ranting crap. Let's get back to the core mission of this blog: FOOD PORN!

Take a look at this super deluxe vegan taco bar, with convenient labels. It look longer to edit the photo this way, but seemed easier than trying to describe them in text in some sort of a lopsided logarithmic spiral.

The grand total cost for this vegan taco bar feast, and a couple days of delicious leftovers? Somewhere around $12-13. How is this possible, you ask? Most of the produce is "Manager Special" from the Super 88 Asian supermarket across the street. The most expensive thing was the package of tempeh.

Longtime readers of this blog will know that I almost never shout out to brand name products. But Just Mayo by @hamptoncreek is that rare company who I think deserves it. Their product is hands down the best vegan mayo on the market: it just leaves the competition in the dust. They're basically the only product I'll consistently go to the Big Box Store Who Shall Not Be Named But Which Starts With W (because "W" sells Just Mayo for $0.12/oz, while at the Star Market across the street it's $0.43/oz.) And this kinda is random, but they have a very pretty website chockablock full of vegan food porn.

Hampton Creek really sealed the deal last year when I had a problem opening a couple jars due to the lid being essentially glued to the safety seal. (I'm strong, and have very strong hands. And these were very, very hard to get open.) I contacted them through their website with the product coding and dates on the containers, genuinely intending to only give them a heads up since I really love their product. They responded very quickly, very kindly, and asked for a physical mailing address to send thanks. Let's just say that their thanks was awesome.

Okay, enough corporate lovefesting. Back to delicious leftovers! 

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