More [boring] garden pictures Can you tell that I don't really want to do work today?

Here's the cabbage: they have huge leaves, but are only starting to produce actual cabbage. I'm tempted to tear out some of the broccoli to reduce the competition, which are only producing tiny side shoots now, but I love broccoli so damn much that it's very difficult to image tearing them out.

More of the same, in a different bed: huge red cabbage plants, and medium broccoli.

A tree-like fennel plant, and some broccoli. That's a "Super Fantastic" tomato plant in the middle, which is finally starting to thrive, but I still seriously doubt will produce tomatoes. I really need to get around to building the greenhouse.

And here's one of the many moose that love to tear out bites of lettuce and spit them back, which led me to build my latest silly garden implement out of scrap wood:

This cage is on hinges, and covers the bed with the lettuce, broccoli, and spring onions in it. Yes, yes, I know that a moose who actually wanted to eat the greens could easily defeat this, but it's sort of like using
The Club to improve the security in your car: the real hope is that the extra 15 seconds it'll take the car thief to steal your car, as opposed to the next car on the block, will deter them.
Our compost bin is next to the bed, rounding out the "build random shit out of scrap" collection.
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