Bicycling in Atlanta is some of the most terrifying I've ever done. The drivers are astonishingly bad: slow to move, slow to react, and in a misguided attempt to be courteous, are actually often quite dangerous to the cyclist and other cars. The road are in horrendous condition, bike lanes practically non-existent, and even dedicated PATH Foundation bike lanes have significant brekas in them with mediocre signage, so they're difficult to follow when the trails has a break. This hasn't stopped me from riding well over 200 miles in the city in the last two weeks, but it sure has made it annoying.
Hoping to go mountain biking tomorrow, rain dependent, so hopefully that'll be better. Unfortunately, it does require a 45 minute drive.
I'm gardening on the balcony, right now just tomatoes and herbs. I know y'all are clamoring for pictures of plants, so I'll try to get those soon.
I have Great Divide Hercules Double IPA on tap (visitors welcome!) Incidentally, I would link directly to the brewery's page for that beer, but it's really annoying flash, so to hell with them.
Here are the muppets most on my mind right now. Those of you who know what my primary legal volunteer activity is can probably guess what this references:

More later, I hope.
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