Now for some perspective, here is how my family likes to assist with my taking pictures of food:
Waaaaaaaait: did someone say FOOD PORN? Holy moley it's been a long time, readers. Fortunately, at least half of my known readership was present in the room for this next food porn extravaganza, where three of us gathered in Kitchen Stadium, East Bay Satellite Location, for a Chopped Top Iron Chef Throwdown.
With a spending limit of $25 at Berkeley Bowl, we all made dishes with the theme ingredients of tofu and asparagus. Except that the asparagus was too damned expensive, so we whacked it from the competition mid-shop.
Soon, the kitchen in E & K's apartment was buzzing: blenders blending, frying pans frying, ovens ovening. The guest judges played Nintendo Fit in the living room. I worked double duty to provide commentary on the dishes as they were being prepared, and then served.

Tofu, Thai style
Baked firm tofu squares
Manila mango slices with salt and chili powder
spicy Thai peanut gin sauce (this was damned delicious, if I do say so myself)
Tofu, Mexican style
(in the rough shape of the Mexican flag)
fried extra firm tofu squares
green: avocado slices and garlic chives
white: disc fried white onions
red: flashed fried tomatoes and red peppers
pureed sauce of chipotle, adobo, cocoa powder, and Mexican spiced chocolate
Good times were had by all. The leftovers lasted us three days back on the peninsula.
Now in my continuing search to find a bike I can ride in tonight's critical mass. My life will be complete when I have ridden Critical Mass in San Francisco on
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