I've been ridiculously busy, but not too busy, dear readers, to throw a little food porn your way:

Damn, I love avocados.
Whistles wet? Okay, okay already! Here's some more food porn!
Here is the fixins plate for some vegan sushi we made the other day:

Clockwise from top, that's cucumber, baked tofu, flash fried asparagus with garlic puree, fresh ginger, and fried fresh jalapeños.

Here is a roll ready to, well, get rolled, with some avocado (did I mention how much I love avocado?) in there, as well as some
carrot candy.

And here's the little camera that just won't die: it's been on nearly every trip and outdoor activity I have in the last five or so years, including many thousands of miles on my bike, usually just banging around in my pocket or bag. It recently was fully submerged in running water, several times, while I was out running in the woods in the dark and crossing through running streams (yes, on purpose.) A couple days to dry out, and bang: it's rockin' again! (And still taking better photos than my much newer, higher resolution phone.)
On another note, the ipod nano I bought in summer 2007 is showing signs of dying: the top panel (where the on/off/lock button is located) is bowing and about to pop off. For replacement, anyone got any non-proprietary (i.e., non-crApple) products to recommend?
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