This is the Spicy Tofu Scramble at Strong Hearts Cafe, just down the street from my hotel in Syracuse. The scramble was good, not amazing, the toast came out dry (but fortunately they have a cruet of olive oil handy), and the coffee bordered on bad. I think it was instant: it had that consistency weirdness going on, and lots of semi-tasteless sludge at the bottom. But I'll absolutely return: $6 for a tofu scramble? Cheap, good enough, and I like to support 100% vegan restaurants.
Wow, Syracuse is... kinda boring. I'm actually struggling to fill up the one full day I have here. I think I'm going to go over to the Erie Canal Museum. Yeah. Like, for real.
Fortunately central New York has a pretty solid regional beer scene, so drinking is a real option.
I visited "The 'Cuse" a number of times in the late 90s and early 00s, since E2 went to school here, but we always had a little routine of places to go, and I never had to much think about how to pass a day. Sometime today I'll probably hit up an old favorite, Empire Brewing. Had a nice vegan sandwich last night at Sparky Town, which had RIDICULOUSLY nice people working there. Actually, on balance, the average central New Yorker resident seems to be quite nice.
Tomorrow is a court hearing (not appearance) in a SYR suburb, then flying to JFK.
Strong Hearts serves french press coffee exclusively. Those not familiar with it are probably taken back by it because it tastes like actual coffee instead of the coffee flavored water most places serve. The "sludge at the bottom of the mug is standard for french press coffee and is the mark of a true french press cup.
I debated whether to post this comment, since it seems pretty apparent it's from a Strong Hearts owner or employee, though they posted it as "anonymous." But I really like this place, and the staff, so I posted it.
I've had, ummm, a lot of french press coffee. Hundreds and hundreds of pots. I've made it, and bought it at various commercial establishments. While I agree that most places serve coffee colored water that sucks, this simply wasn't good coffee, french press or otherwise. Sorry, Strong Hearts: you're pretty much 99% awesome, the poorly done coffee is the 1%.
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