Saturday, January 02, 2010

Back in the saddle

Okay, okay, it's been quite a while, and you, my loyal readers, have been clamoring. Actually, you haven't. Only mom has noted the absence of posts, in the context of saying something like I'd fallen off the face of the earth. In any event, more posts to come soon, and pictures from the New England trip. (And yes, L, lots of it WILL indeed be food porn! Yay!)

The trip to New England was fine, if a bit too long. It's always so damn nice to sleep in my own bed after a long trip, and this one included sleeping on four different beds in fourteen days.

J and I went on something of a home organizing binge yesterday which will continue today. We bought a big bookshelf, a printer table/office organizer (aka a shoe rack), and a low TV table to get a bunch of stuff up off the floor. No, we don't own a television, and that may or may not change any time soon. I also went through the various paint the previous owners had left behind, of which we can only tell that two of four actually go to anything in our condo.

For a big fun New Years Eve, we continued our maddening search for a roll-aboard suitcase that is 18" or 19" so it will fit on all of Delta's bizzarrely small overhead bins, and the search failed (again.) We looked at rolling tool chests at Sears only to decide they were too expensive. We discovered that Costco is too obnoxious to update their voicemail system with holiday hours. Then we came home, cooked, and went to bed at 11pm. Somehow after waking up at 6am to fly home from Boston, staying up for midnight just didn't grab us, so we drank the cheap champagne yesterday while mixing paint and organizing.

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